So in the last few weeks, here are some books I've read.
50 Shades of Grey Trilogy

Okay, okay, I bought into the hype. But, let me tell you, I was intrigued and fell in love with the characters. YES, there is a lot of sex going on in the books, but if you can get past that, there is a great love story forming in the background. {Book #2 was my FAVORITE! I read it in one day.}
James Patterson 11th Hour

JP is one of my favorite author's. I love his style of writing. Every time I read one of his books, I feel as if I just watched it in movie form. This book was part of his Women's mystery murder books. Again, great book!
Right now I'm finishing up reading James Patterson's Guilty Wives.

I already have Divergent and Insurgent downloaded for my next reads. And next month, I'm looking forward to downloading the new Emily Giffin book, Where We Belong.
So, any good Summer reads in your library?